Mathieu Kretchner wrote:
First of all : forgive me for my poor English

Hello all,

I've to compare cyrus with dovecot for my work. Because these are the only solutions that could fit our needs. Unfortunately I really don't know a lot about dovecot and I would like to have some of its assets.

So I know this can scared you, but If you have some asset for dovecot, It could be great and a lot more FAIR !!

Thank you in advance for your advice.

Hello, sorry for my english too.

Im start migration from Cyrus to Dovecot not far ago. Im have only 500 maildirs, but...

For now im can say what Dovecot is faster in IMAP. Im use my maildir with 40000 emails with many many subfolders - it is much faster.



And so on. Many answers to your questions on

In this list someone post his load average grafs on *really* heavy load servers. Search it.

Only thing what dovecot is not supported against Cyrus is replication, but it is planed on roadmap.

P.S. Im start to hate cyrus then this happened and happened again with no answer from developers:

And this:

P.P.S. Dovecot is really on heavy development and seems to be best IMAP daemon on opensource now. And Timo help a lot for many people in this list.

Best regards,
Proskurin Kirill

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