How soon? With what kind of imaptest parameters? I can't reproduce this on my Macbook (OS X 10.5.4, HFS+).

I ran imaptest for just a few minutes and saw all these errors in that time. Default imaptest parameters except for user/host names etc.

Error: UIVALIDITY changed: %d -> %d

Did you test with a single user or multiple users? imaptest's support for testing multiple users is currently a bit broken, but this shouldn't happen with a single user..

This error happens with clients=1, clients=10 and clients=100.

Error: user%d[%d]: <...>: Header CC changed
Error: user%d[%d]: <...>: Header DELIVERED-TO changed
Error: user%d[%d]: <...>: Header FROM changed

These shouldn't be happening as long as you use a test mbox file that has unique Message-ID headers. Were you using the recommended dovecot-crlf as the input?

I passed in your dovecot-crlf file to imaptest, but the message store was cloned from elsewhere first. So you're saying that dovecot only works with special hand-crafted input, and not with real-world mail? Hmmm.... :) :)

Actually I do see plenty of duplicate Message-ID headers in the mail store (not from your input file). I'll investigate that further. Thanks for the tip.

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