On 11/08/17 07:46, Joseph Tam wrote:
>> GhettoForge has dovecot22 packages as well which provide the latest
>> stable version of Dovecot for CentOS 6 and 7.
> Or consider compiling it yourself from source.  It may be more work, but
> you get complete control over your versioning, your package dependencies,
> etc.  If a bug that affects you gets fixed on a bleeding edge version
> (or is only available as a patch), you can fix it right away rather than
> waiting for the package maintainer to catch up to it.

Or just ping me in #ghettoforge on Freenode and I'll generally get it
fixed quickly, if I haven't already seen it on the list and fixed it.

There are downsides to compiling yourself.  If you do so then you have
to monitor new releases and bugfixes and push out updates.  If you use
packages in a yum repo, even a 3rd-party one like GhettoForge, then
someone else does that for you and all you have to do is run, "yum
update" on a regular basis.


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