> At 07:53 06/06/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> >I always thought the DLL version numbers (and file name) were
> >supposed to be incremented each time a version is released.  If this
> >is happens, will a file-lock problem exist?  A new DLL filename with
> >a new version could be registered and the old in-use one wouldn't
> >get unloaded until a logout/in. This seems ok to me (with my very
> >limited understanding), but I dont think it is working as I
> >described.
> The problem is that even if it is, you can be in a situation where you
> an old DLL loaded but with new script running.  I don't think I'm
> that logout/login is a certain remedy.
> The version of the DLL is currently, and as far as I'm aware, it
> has been for the whole of the 2.5.8 beta process.  I have not tracked
> changes in GUID/IIDs, but I'm certainly guilty of having extended an
> interface without changing the IID.

I'm guilty too.  Partly due to laziness; partly due to my day job; partly
due to the fact that I don't have any trouble with it (geez, can't everyone
just rebuild the DLL and register it? :)  Actually, I just set the version
resource to on one of the early 2.5.8 betas (it was the default--  If there NSIS script that can detect the version change and
strongly suggest a reboot, that sure makes sense.

> >I certainly agree that the majority of the problems seem
> >to be related to getting the proper DLL registered and loaded.  An
> >improvement in this area could possibly yield a sizable reduction in
> >bug reports...   IMO of course..
> Well, it's Dave that gets most of the reports - why should we worry...

Good point.  :p

> I'm supposedly doing a bit of tidying to the DLL, so I'll think about what
> we could do to help things.
> Will

That would be great.

BTW, thanks for your help so far... Really, REALLY, appreciate your help
with the keyboard hooks.


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