
I have this error at startup, even if I register manually the
'DQSDTools.dll' as I have read on this mailing list. This error was
happening with v2.5.8 b8 (I had then put comments on the Hook section in the
'postStartup()' function in 'search.htm' to avoid the error message), but
the DEL key and UP/DOWN arrows were working (never tried the hotkey feature
though). I upgraded to v3.0 yesterday (close toolbar - uninstall 2.5.8 b8 -
reboot - install 3.0) and still got this error ; so I put comments as I had
donne before, but neither the DEL key nor UP/DOWN arrows are working now.

Another weird thing is the menu which pops up at the top left of the screen,
as my toobar is at the bottom right, near the system tray... What did I do
wrong ? I am running Windows XP Home (french), thus Internet Explorer 6, up
to date.

Thanks a lot, keep up the good work.

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