Hello all,

I've been working on a few aliases of my own, but am having trouble
with this "multi" thing. How does it work? What are the limitations?
Is there anything I should know as far as how it functions that will
make or break it?

What I'm trying to do is put together a line similar to this one of

mbrowse|multi ie moz opera netsc %s|Open URL in Multiple Browsers|Open
in Multiple Browsers|Computers

...to do DNS digs, whois, tracert, and other stuff like that. But it's
not working. There are about 20 commands on the line, in addition to
the rest title, caption and grouping, and I've tried turning on and
off the adv search settings (as described in multi.xml) but it doesn't
seem to work. I've swapped out delimiters, too. This is what it should
be - I think - with superMultiModeEnabled=true and

is;httpd;hv;ns;pinp;rw;sams;sp;tr;unip;unipm "%s"|Dig information
about a Domain|Dig information about a Domain|Scan

I did manage to set it up to 'pluck' a page or site with Plucker (for
Palm - http://www.plkr.org/ ), so my night wasn't a total loss:

plkp|run E:\Program%20Files\Plucker\Plucker-Build.exe -f "C:\My
Channels\Page Debug" -N "Debug Page" --zlib-compression -v --bpp=4 -M
1 --category=Debug -H %s|Plucker 'Page Debug' Browser|Start Plucker
Page Parser|Browsers

plks|run E:\Program%20Files\Plucker\Plucker-Build.exe -f "C:\My
Channels\Site Debug" -N "Debug
Site" --zlib-compression -v --bpp=4 --category=Debug --stayonhost --no
-urlinfo -H %s|Plucker 'Site Debug' Browser|Start Plucker Site

Thanks all,

Shawn K. Hall

'// ========================================================
   "Every government degenerates when entrusted to the
    rulers of the people alone."
      -- Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia, 1782

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