> What I'm trying to do is put together a line similar to
> this one of Sarah's:
>   mbrowse...

Whoo-hoo! Got it working. Also made a couple other aliases others may
be interested in (watch for breaks in inappropriate places - might
want to change the root drive for your system)...

// Browsers
ie|run "E:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" %s|Internet
Explorer|Start Microsoft Internet Explorer|Browsers

// mozilla and netscape both support a command-line argument
// to set the profile to be used in the format:
// mozilla.exe -p profilename
// I've created profiles for each mozilla and netscape that
// have scripting enabled and disabled, and aliases for each
moz|run "E:\Program Files\mozilla.org\Mozilla\mozilla.exe" -p mozilla
%s|Mozilla Browser|Start Mozilla|Browsers

mozns|run "E:\Program Files\mozilla.org\Mozilla\mozilla.exe" -p
mozillanoscript %s|Mozilla Browser without Scripting|Start Mozilla
without Scripting Support|Browsers

opera|run "E:\Program Files\Opera7\opera.exe" %s|Opera Browser|Start

netsc|run "E:\Program Files\Netscape\Netscape\Netscp.exe" -p netscape
%s|Netscape 7.1 Browser|Start Netscape 7.1|Browsers

netscns|run "E:\Program Files\Netscape\Netscape\Netscp.exe" -p
netscapenoscript %s|Netscape 7.1 Browser without Scripting|Start
Netscape 7.1 without Scripting Support|Browsers

// plucker ( http://www.plkr.org ) is my favorite offline
// browsing tool for palm. I like to make sure my sites can
// be seen by that too, of course. ;)
plkp|run "E:\Program Files\Plucker\Plucker-Build.exe" -f "D:\My
Channels\Page Debug" -N "Debug Page" --zlib-compression -v --bpp=4 -M
1 --category=Debug -H %s|Plucker 'Page Debug' Browser|Start Plucker
Page Parser|Browsers

plks|run "E:\Program Files\Plucker\Plucker-Build.exe" -f "D:\My
Channels\Site Debug" -N "Debug
Site" --zlib-compression -v --bpp=4 --category=Debug --stayonhost --no
-urlinfo -H %s|Plucker 'Site Debug' Browser|Start Plucker Site

// just a modification of Sarah's so it also includes the
// 'noscript' browser for netscape and plucker
mbrowse|multi ie "%s";moz "%s";opera "%s";netsc "%s";netscns "%s";plkp
"%s"|Open URL in Multiple Browsers|Open URL in Multiple

// Research/Dig Tools - which I intend to use with
// http://www.spammerhunters.com
ping|run cmd.exe /k ping %s|ping|Ping|Scan

tr|run cmd.exe /k tracert %s|tracert|Trace Route|Scan

ns|run cmd.exe /k nslookup %s|nslookup|NSLookup|Scan

adnswho|dns %s /whois|Advanced DNS WhoIs|Advanced DNS WhoIs|Scan

adnsipwho|dns %s /ipwhois|Advanced DNS IP WhoIs|Advanced DNS IP

adnsgeo|dns %s /netgeo|Advanced DNS GeoPoint|Advanced DNS

adnsspm|dns %s /spam|Advanced DNS Spam Search|Advanced DNS Spam

adnspng|dns %s /ping|Advanced DNS Ping|Advanced DNS Ping|Scan

adnstrc|dns %s /tracert|Advanced DNS TraceRoute|Advanced DNS

unipm|unip %s /MX|DNS Reverse Scan for MX Record|DNS Reverse Scan for
MX Record|Scan

ggg|gg %s /groups|Google Groups|Google Groups|Scan

ggrel|gg %s /related|Google - What's Related|Google - WHat's

gg2|gg %s /link|Google - What links to|Google - What links to|Scan

ggcache|gg %s /cache|Google Cache|Google Cache|Scan

// and the really really big multi-digs
// by domain
digd|multi adnsgeo "%s";adnsipwho "%s";adnsspm "%s";adnstrc
"%s";adnswho "%s";archi "%s";gg "%s";gg2 "%s";ggg "%s";ggrel
"%s";gtwhois "%s";httpd "%s";hv "%s";ns "%s";pinp "%s";rw "%s";sams
"%s";sp "%s";tr "%s";unip "%s";unipm "%s"|Dig information about a
Domain|Dig information about a Domain|Scan

// by IP
digi|multi adnsgeo "%s";adnsipwho "%s";adnsspm "%s";adnstrc
"%s";adnswho "%s";archi "%s";arin "%s";gg "%s";gg2 "%s";ggg "%s";ggrel
"%s";gtwhois "%s";httpd "%s";hv "%s";ns "%s";pinp "%s";rw "%s";sams
"%s";tr "%s";unipm "%s"|Dig information about an IP|Dig information
about an IP|Scan

// by URL
digu|multi archi "%s";gg "%s";gg2 "%s";ggg "%s";ggrel "%s";gtwhois
"%s";httpd "%s";hv "%s";ns "%s";pinp "%s";rw "%s";sams "%s";sp
"%s"|Dig information about a URL|Dig information about a URL|Scan

// and just for fun:
daemon|run "E:\Program Files\D-Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"F:\CD
Images\%s.iso"|Mount CD Image|System Tools
// which mounts an ISO image into daemon tools, which is a
// little bit easier than manually swapping cd's


Shawn K. Hall

'// ========================================================
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