Well, looks like I brought up a popular topic.  Thats a good thing!  I would 
suggest a repository of information, or simply said, a place where any of us 
can send information or links such that some Drake loving volunteer can compile 
the information and check for accuracy.    This should be someone who has lots 
of experience with the 7 series.   I think I have an idea, and will contact 
that person separately so as not to put him on the spot on the list.

Until then, I'll likely need some help from you guys as I progress.  And you'll 
here me more often on Sunday afternoons as well !!

Thanks,  David
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 11:32 AM
  Subject: Re: [drakelist] re TR7 PTO/troubleshooting in general

  I've brought up this idea several times to various groups, including post 
Drake Forum discussions at Hamvention.  Many of us have valuable experiences 
that, taken as a whole, represent what might be considered as "how the experts 
fault isolate".  One of the key elements in fault isolation is knowing the 
probabilities of various failures from the symptoms.  For example, the service 
manuals don't tell you, for a given symptom(s), what the first most likely 
cause is, what the second most likely cause is, and so forth.  The expert 
service technician knows this based upon experience, you know, that element 
that makes one "over qualified" and thus unable to perform (not sure I 
understand that concept but the job interviewers do).  Such an undertaking can 
be quite large and would be the labor of love.  I encourage the pursuit of such 
an endeavor.  

  Along with the above, of interest might be "tips and tricks", those things 
the experts use to make the job easier.  For example, I have a process that I 
use when rebuilding/upgrading power supplies for the L4B/L7 linears.  Having 
the parts on hand and a workable process speeds things up and keeps costs down. 
 The result, your Drakes are returned to service sooner, and this means more 
fun sooner...

  -----Original Message-----
  From: David & Chris Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 11:01 am
  Subject: Re: [drakelist] re TR7 PTO/troubleshooting in general

  To the list,
  Has anyone ever compiled a troubleshooting doc for the TR7??  I know there 
are a lot of bits and pieces out there and have downloaded and printed many of 
them for my files.  The service manual is also imperative, as well as extender 
cards.  This would be a good thing for us Drake lovers to have a TR7 specific 
guide.  Particularly since these radios are now getting some age on them and 
components harder to find.  I just bought my second TR7 in non-working 
condition and will begin restoration soon, so this is up front on my mind.
  Any comments would be welcome.  Maybe Ron Baker could expand on his excellent 
"inside the TR7" article on his website.  Or all of us could contribute info 
and experiences to someone else who could compile and document??  It could then 
be posted on Ron's site for all to access.  Or the more industrious could print 
a book or CD and offer for a fair price.
  As an example, I have a copy of the Swan Compendium, without which, restoring 
a swan is much more difficult.  Common problems and common solutions.  I think 
it was $25 back when it was available.
  Another example is the video that was produced some time back for the KWM2.!!
  David Drake
  In SUNNY southern Indiana!
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 10:06 AM
    Subject: Re: [drakelist] re TR7 PTO

    [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
      "Lorne Barber" said: 
      > First the TR7 .....friction ?
    Then Joe said
      Someone on the list may have more specific information as to after what
      serial number the mod was no longer required or instructions for doing it 
      the field.    Joe, K9HDE 

    Hi, I believe you will find the information you describe at www.wb4hfn.com  
However that information was for the 4 series if I recall correctly.
    You can google for   "Drake PTO friction" and it comes up with that sight.  
 If desired I have the ground strap information and pics on my computer and can 
send it as an attachment to an individual.
    Carl WD8NHK

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