Good Day All,

I had a real treat here the past few days, setting up & operating my T-4X 
transmitter & R-4 receiver beneath the gazebo in the backyard, working Field 
Day & Canada Day out in the fresh air on CW...

What a wonderful pair of rigs for CW --- they really complement each other, and 
in more ways than one! I'd never had the T-4X even on before, until this past 
weekend (I acquired both rigs last December), and was quite impressed with it...

I had no luck getting the rig to operate on 'phone, though...I guess I'll have 
to play around with the wires coming out the base of the amplified D-104 some 
more, before I try to get into the rig itself (I just HATE those amplified 
mics!). The PTT seems to work A-OK --- there's just no audio!

Anyway, so far, as a CW station, all I have to say (again!) is, "WHERE HAVE 
THESE RIGS BEEN ALL OF MY LIFE...?!" Hi Hi. They're wonderful...

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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