On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 15:33:08 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> When I transmit on phone, I'm getting some garbled audio fed back 
>into both the headphones and the external speaker connected via the rear 

It might help a little if you better define "garbled" - is it distorted
but understandable, or does it sound like SSB as recieved on an AM-only
reciever? Does it happen on a dummy load as well as an antenna? Is your
station well grounded, low VSWR, etc.? Different rigs have different
sensitivities to "RF in the shack", so comparing it to the Tentec isn't
really that helpful.... :)

In the meantime, have a look here:


Item #1, and possibly #4, may have some bearing on this issue.



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