On Mon, 16 Mar 2009 19:04:02 -0400, Curt Nixon wrote:

>Finally, using an old Drake in upgraded form beats having it sit on some 
>shelf only being used as a B or C rig because it isn't quite up to the 
>technical challenge of some of todays operating.

I haven't met a challenge yet that I couldn't meet with my TR7 or
C-line. My TR7 has been invited back to our club's Field Day this year
for, I think, the fourth year in a row to run 20 fone. These are guys
that have access to "modern" rigs.


-Jim (yes, I get to go with the radio)

Ham Radio NU0C
Lincoln, Nebraska, U.S.S.A.
TR7/RV7/R7A/L7, TR6/RV6, T4XC/R4C/L4B, NCL2000, SB104A, R390A, GT550A/RV550A, 
HyGain 3750, IBM PS/2 - all vintage, all the time!

"Give a man a URL, and he will learn for an hour; teach him to Google, and he 
will learn for a lifetime."

HyGain 3750 User's Group - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HyGain_3750/

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