Hi Curt,

Oh my, but you can be oh so VERY cruel there...! Hi Hi

But you're correct, of course: in order to properly verify / ascertain the
success of the "fix"---or, correctly identify the infamous "Red X" (as it's
dubbed in select circles of problem solving)---one needs to be able to turn
the problem "off", and then turn the problem "on" again, by repeating the
methodology of said "fix"...

But I think I'll pass here, thank-you very much! I am absolutely weary of
removing the top enclosure off of the transmitter, wrestling with that can,
AD NAUSEAM...time to make a few QSOs, & continue monitoring, for now...!

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Curt Nixon" <cptc...@flash.net>
To: "Diane and Edward Swynar" <deswy...@xplornet.ca>
Cc: <drakelist@zerobeat.net>
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] Drake Twins PTO Woes...

> Now..after you have used it some more with no issue, you need to remove
> the tin-foil to verify that the problem wasn't simply solved by a
> repeated re-installation of the standard can !  :)
> Curt
> Diane and Edward Swynar wrote:
> > Good Day All,
> >
> > Well, I think taht an update may well be in order here, as to the
outcome of
> > my "...red-neck hillbilly" (apologies to all you mountain-dwelling folk
> > reading this) "fix" in the matter of improving the shielding of the PTO
> > in my Drake T-4X transmitter...
> >
> > In a word: it WORKS!!!
> >
> > SO FAR it works, anyway...again to-day I've completed several CQ calls
> > 40-meters CW, and was engaged in a couple of lengthy rag chews---and
> > was NONE of the previous intermittent tell-tale frequency jumpiness /
> > intermittent creeping / jiggling... NOTHING. Needless-to-say, I'm very
> > pleased.
> >
> > Keep in mind, however, that my situation here was probably unique from
> > others: I had repeatedly removed & replaced the PTO shield cover here in
> > efforts to track-down what turned-out to be at least one bad solder
joint in
> > the tank circuit. No doubt this served to compromise the integrity of
> > shielding of the can. Additionaly, my station is situated in a very cold
> > basement environment, AND I have a fan extracting air out of the final
> > 2x6JB6A PA cage, which by default, cools the entire inside of the
> > transmitter...
> >
> > The rig's warm-up cycle was far from normal, as a result, I'm sure...
> >
> > Anyway, FWIW guys, don't neglect the critical effect that even the
> > of gap changes in shielding seams can have upon the field of that
> > permeable-tuned tank coil, and by consequence, your transmit frequency.
> > aluminum strip shielding technique employed here may be far from
> > eye-pleasing, but the benefits of its presence sure are a joy to the
> > Hi Hi.
> >
> > Here's hoping that my travails may ultimately benefit another(s) in the
> > Drake community...
> >
> > ~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
> >
> >
> > ****************************************
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----- 
> > From: "Diane and Edward Swynar" <deswy...@xplornet.ca>
> > To: <drakelist@zerobeat.net>
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 5:42 PM
> > Subject: Drake Twins PTO Woes...
> >
> >
> >
> >> Good Day All,
> >>
> >> Well, I took the T-4X off-line here to-day, & set it up on the bench
> >> the top cover removed, exposing the PTO can...
> >>
> >> I pondered the ways & means of "sealing" the small gaps between the
> >>
> > of
> >
> >> the can & its metal attaching surface, with the intention of
> >>
> > any
> >
> >> consequent expansion/contraction effect(s) of the joints upon the
> >>
> > oscillator
> >
> >> frequency.
> >>
> >> I settled upon a rather crude, but I think effective, expediency: I
> >> cut a strip of aluminum cooking foil, and wrapped it around the can
> >> being sure that there was overlap on the base that supports the "ears"
> >> the can. I then bridged the strip (on both sides) with masking tape,
> >> ensuring  good bonding along the length of the strip...
> >>
> >> It's inelegant, for sure, but achieves its end purpose, I think...
> >>
> >> I put the transmitter on 40-meters CW, and noted the tell tale
> >> creep one time---however, the rig had been on for only 10 minutes,
> >> enough time to warm up. After about 90 minutes, I made a couple of
> >>
> > and
> >
> >> called CQs, all-the-while monitoring myself on my R-4 receiver...
> >>
> >> I'm happy to report that "...so far, so good." I'll need more time to
> >> evaluate the results of all this, of course, but I'm encouraged.
> >>
> > the
> >
> >> ultimate answer lies in operating the rigs in an environment that's
> >> than the 49F that the basement was this afternoon! Hi Hi.
> >>
> >> Certainly, time will tell...I guess I could always place a small
> >> incandescent bulb somewhere inside the T-4X to help speed its heating
> >> /reaching "operating temperature"---but then that effort would be
> >>
> > defeated,
> >
> >> in large part, by the cooling fan that extracts air from the 2x6JB6A PA
> >> cage! (that rascal keeps the whole inside of the rig cool to the
> >>
> >> ~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Drakelist mailing list
> > Drakelist@zerobeat.net
> > http://mailman.zerobeat.net/mailman/listinfo/drakelist
> >
> >

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