On Sun, 17 Apr 2011 15:27:13 -0700, Dennis Monticelli wrote:

>As I understand it, the only true concern one should have about the ceramics 
>is the piezo effect of the high K material.  This makes the circuit 
>microphonic so unwanted acoustic feedback from the PA can take place.  I agree 
>that voltage coeficient is not a significant effect unless you're trying to 
>build high accuracy stuff.  In the world of integrated circuits of which I'm 
>familiar, the votlage coefficient only rears its ugly head beyond the 12b 
>level.  At 16b it's a real concern, but we're talking very high linearity here.

Here's the stuff I just sent Richard off-list:

FWIW, here's the most relevant portion of the R-390 discussion:

Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 00:05:53 -0400
From: 2002tii 
Subject: Re: [R-390] Orange Drop vs ceramic disc
There have been many tests, back to at least the '40s (long before small
surfacemountceramics were a gleam in anyone's eye), documenting this behavior of
ceramic caps. Bob Pease published a chart in EDN in the early '80s comparing
the dielectric absorption-related distortion of various types of capacitors that
showed measured distortion of 1% or more at low audio frequencies for
ceramics (though NP0 caps were much better). (Note that this is a different
mechanism than the voltage coefficient of capacitance, and that both mechanisms
cause distortion independently.)
We comprehensively tested all kinds of capacitors in audio coupling circuits in
the '80s, and I assure you that the distortion from ceramic caps is clearly 
Yes, we used a high-resolution audio system, not a communications radio -- but
different types of distortion are heard more or less independently (that is, one
type -- for example, even-order harmonic distortion, which dominates tube
communications radio distortion -- does not mask another type -- for example,
high-order intermodulation distortion or digital quantization errors, even when
it is present at much higher levels), so the distortion due to ceramic coupling 
may very well be audible even in a circuit with 10% even-order harmonic
distortion. We also used signal cancellation techniques to listen to the 
products alone, and the distortion products of ceramic caps are extremely 
(high-order, non harmonically-related -- easy to spot at very low levels).
Since it is no effort whatsoever to avoid ceramic caps in coupling applications,
there is simply no reason to use ceramics in those applications (indeed, it is
simply good engineering practice to avoid possible ill effects when there is 
or no cost to do so).
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 10:29:55 -0400
From: "Shoppa, Tim" 
Subject: Re: [R-390] Orange Drop vs ceramic disc
Please keep in mind that when it comes to ceramic caps, the dielectric materials
available vary widely in their characteristics. C0G or NP0 ceramic caps could 
be golden in audio applications but don't have enough uF per package to be
used in most situations. X7R ceramic caps are probably good enough for not-hi-fi
applications. Indeed lots of low-end consumer tube stuff from the 60's used
ceramic audio coupling caps. Y5V caps literally sound like crap in audio 
circuits. The latest SMD ceramic caps and their MLCC leaded cousins, almost
certainly outperform any 50 year old NOS ceramics we have lying about, every
which way from Sunday. I look at the high-end microwave SMT ceramic caps
(actually the highest end ones are glass) and they beat the pants off of any 

Also, I found the Bob Pease article on the web:


Then, there's this, which doesn't seem to be downloading very well at the 


It all could very well be moot for communications radios, but OTOH, distortion 
does tend to add up.

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