On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, Daryll Strauss wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 05:13:40PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > So, can anyone answer any of the questions below, or do I have to write
> > drm for multimedia ?
> The DRM is an architecture for accessing hardware directly.
> What functions are implemented in any given kernel module is driven by
> the requirements of the applications running on top of it. That's
> typically OpenGL at that point.

Daryll, did you read the questions ? I am asking specific things about drm
interface. Like what drm handles mean, for example.

> So, most of the drivers are not going to have a function call to support
> your arbitrary DMA.

I am not interested in most drivers. Heck, I am not even looking for that
function. I want to know what can I do with the buffer I allocated using

Now, I aprreciate your desire to provide some advice, but I am not
interested in general considerations of writing a DMA driver. I want to
know answers to specific questions, like

  What "AGP Offset" is used for ?

it is not specific to any card, it is not specific to what I am trying to
do. Can anyone answer it ?

                           Vladimir Dergachev

> You don't need to write a "drm for multimedia" you need to add the hooks
> you require into the exsting kernel modules for various graphics
> cards. When do you do this, be careful to consider the security
> implications. Make sure it can't be used to read or write things that it
> shouldn't. Also make sure it cooperates with the existing driver in the
> way it uses memory on the card, the state it leaves the card in after
> its operations, etc.
>                                               - |Daryll

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