On Mon, 7 Jan 2002, Manuel Teira wrote:

> Hello again. First of all, happy new year to everybody.

Happy New Year!
> Well, after the holidays, I would like to recover the development in the 
> mach64 branch. I started today to investigate the DMA stuff because I think 
> that perhaps Frank is very busy and he has no time to do this work. The DMA 
> problem was discovered aprox. Oct 21th and we have no news about any progress 
> in  DMA. I'm sure  that Frank would do it better than me, but I can try.

It sounded like Frank had written some code already (he mentioned being
"halfway done" in early December).  Frank, is your work in a state that
could be commited to the branch so others could help finish it?  If so, 
this might be a good place to start a new branch tag since we currently 
have a "working" driver.  Before long we'll also need to merge in changes 
from the trunk, since 4.2.0 seems close to release.

> And now, the questions:
> I've been looking at the r128 freelist implementation, so I've derived that 
> the register called R128_LAST_DISPATCH_REG (actually R128_GUI_SCRATCH_REG1) 
> is used to store the age of the last discarded buffer. So, the 
> r128_freelist_get is able to wait for a discarded buffer if there's no free 
> buffer available.
> Could this be made in the mach64 driver, say with MACH64_SCRATCH_REG1 ? In my 
> register reference it says that these registers can be for exchanging 
> information between the BIOS and card drivers, so, is sane to use them for 
> this task?

I'm not sure that that would be safe to use.  According to r128_reg.h, the
r128 has BIOS scratch registers and GUI scratch registers, where the
mach64 has only the scratch registers used by the BIOS.  The mach64
Programmer's Guide says that SCRATCH_REG1 is used to store the ROM
segment location and installed mode information and should only be used
by the BIOS or a driver to get the ROM segment location for calling ROM
service routines.

> I've also seen that there's no r128_freelist_put (it's present in mga driver, 
> for example). Isn't it necessary? 
> And, when is a buffer supposed to be discarded. Is this situation produced in 
> the client side?
> Best regards.
> --
> Manuel Teira
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