El Mar 08 Ene 2002 22:12, Leif Delgass escribió:

> It sounded like Frank had written some code already (he mentioned being
> "halfway done" in early December).  Frank, is your work in a state that
> could be commited to the branch so others could help finish it?  If so,
> this might be a good place to start a new branch tag since we currently
> have a "working" driver.  Before long we'll also need to merge in changes
> from the trunk, since 4.2.0 seems close to release.

That sounds fine to me. Anyway, Frank seems to have disappeared from the list.
> > And now, the questions:
> >
> > I've been looking at the r128 freelist implementation, so I've derived
> > that the register called R128_LAST_DISPATCH_REG (actually
> > R128_GUI_SCRATCH_REG1) is used to store the age of the last discarded
> > buffer. So, the
> > r128_freelist_get is able to wait for a discarded buffer if there's no
> > free buffer available.
> >
> > Could this be made in the mach64 driver, say with MACH64_SCRATCH_REG1 ?
> > In my register reference it says that these registers can be for
> > exchanging information between the BIOS and card drivers, so, is sane to
> > use them for this task?
> I'm not sure that that would be safe to use.  According to r128_reg.h, the
> r128 has BIOS scratch registers and GUI scratch registers, where the
> mach64 has only the scratch registers used by the BIOS.  The mach64
> Programmer's Guide says that SCRATCH_REG1 is used to store the ROM
> segment location and installed mode information and should only be used
> by the BIOS or a driver to get the ROM segment location for calling ROM
> service routines.

You're right. Anyway, in the Register Reference there're also mention to
SCRATCH_REG2 and SCRATCH_REG3 that have the same advertisement (only should
be used by the BIOS program) but are not named in the Programmer's Guide. Are
they used for anything?

Well, let's wait for some news from Frank.

Best regards

Manuel Teira

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