On Thu, Oct 17, 2002 at 01:16:13PM -0600, Brian Paul wrote:
| ...
| If we only return a true/false result from the slow/fast query it may not
| be obvious to the application writer what caused the slow path to be taken,
| or what to do about it.

Yep, it turns into a combinatorial search problem.  I believe this is
unavoidable, unless hardware changes in some ways that don't seem too
likely today.  The same is true for isfast-style approaches.

| In the DRI drivers we keep a bitfield to determine if/why we need a software
| fallback.  I suppose IsFast() could return a similar bitfield but coming up
| with a set of meaningful bits at the right granularity would be a challenge
| too.

I haven't thought about that, but I'd bet you're right.


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