On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, D. Hageman wrote:

>> As stated in my previous mail, I do use spamassassin, and as such 
>> I do not have a problem with spam.  If you're not interested in 
>> the discussion on despamming, then simply hit DEL on the messages 
>> that do not interest you, and you'll lose no time at all. If 
>> other people wish to discuss it, they can, and will.
>> Freedom of speech.
>Please - what one minute here!
>I hold the freedom of speech very close to my heart for specific reasons I 
>won't go into.  What I wrote above in no way indicates that I want such a 
>freedom restricted or otherwise removed.
>What I did write above is an indication of my insight into the problem:
>1) Moderating a list restricts the flow of information (thus in some way 
>can be viewed as a restriction of speech ... see above).
>2) Limiting the mailing list interaction via mail addresses limits the 
>flow of information (thus in some way can be viewed as a restriction of 
>speech ... see above).
>3) Implementing a mailing list wide spam filter can remove potentially 
>beneficial e-mails (thus in some way can be viewed as a restriction of 
>speech ... see above  Besides I know it will never happen unless 
>we take the lists off of sourceforge and host them else where ... or so 
>the little birds tell me). 
>Stating that ... too much energy has already been wasted ... on "spinning 

My point, is that freedom of speech grants me, and anyone else on 
this mailing list the right to discuss the issue we are 
discussing.  You have the right to use procmail to filter out the 
discussion when you are no longer interested in reading it.  
We'll keep the Subject line the same for your benefit.

Mike A. Harris     ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris
OS Systems Engineer - XFree86 maintainer - Red Hat

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