On Fri, Oct 12, 2007 at 12:08:09AM +0100, Keith Whitwell wrote:
| Just to clarify, would things look a bit like this:
| Master:
|       clear,
|       glFlush,
|       signal slaves somehow
| Slave0..n:
|       wait for signal,
|       don't clear, just draw triangles
|       glFlush
|       signal master
| Master:
|       wait for all slaves
|       glXSwapBuffers

Yes, more or less.  As I look at it now, I wonder if the master really
did a clear, or if the slaves simply drew background polygons over their
respective regions.  It's also possible that the swap guarantees a flush
for commands queued by all the slaves, but I'm unsure of that without
checking the spec.

| This is fairly sensible and clearly requires a shared buffer.  It's also 
| quite a controlled situation that sidesteps some of the questions about 
| what happens when two clients are issuing swapbuffers willy-nilly on the 
| same drawable at the same time as the user is frantically resizing it...



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