Hello Shane,
DId you change the following line in message.xml...
<message key="xmlui.dri2xhtml.structural.head-subtitle">Dspace/Manakin 

The larger font size is transformed in the structural.xsl file in 
themes/dri2xhtml starting on line 1337.
<!-- The font-sizing variable is the result of a linear function applied to the 
character count of the heading text -->
    <xsl:template match="dri:div/dri:head" priority="3">
        <xsl:variable name="head_count" select="count(ancestor::dri:div)"/>
        <!-- with the help of the font-sizing variable, the font-size of our 
header text is made continuously variable based on the character count -->
        <xsl:variable name="font-sizing" select="365 - $head_count * 80 - 
        <xsl:element name="h{$head_count}">
            <!-- in case the chosen size is less than 120%, don't let it go 
below. Shrinking stops at 120% -->
                <xsl:when test="$font-sizing &lt; 120">

You can override (or copy) this template into your theme XSL file and make your 

I believe the template theme has an example of a theme XSL file. 
Note you will need to reference your theme XSL file in the theme sitemap.xmap. 
Look at step three in sitemap.xmap of the template theme.

Hope this helps 

Steve Williams
University of Texas Libraries
University of Texas at Austin
PCL 1.128

From: Shane Beers [sbe...@gmu.edu]
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 10:38 AM
To: Gabriela Mircea
Cc: Dspace Tech
Subject: Re: [Dspace-tech] messages.xml changes not being reflected

Thanks for the advice. Strangely, every other text change appears to
reflect correctly besides the "DSpace/Manakin Repository" heading on
the front page of /xmlui

I'm working from the "Reference" theme, so perhaps there is something
in this theme that pulls this text from somewhere else than
messages.xml.... I know that I'm very confused about where the very
large font styling for the headings is coming from, because it's not
the style.css file.


Shane Beers
Digital Repository Services Librarian
George Mason University

On Aug 6, 2009, at 5:29 PM, Gabriela Mircea wrote:

> Hi Shane,
> Try removing the folder $CATALINA_HOME/work/Catalina/localhost/
> xmlui. It will probably solve your problem.
> Best Regards,
> Gabriela
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shane Beers [mailto:sbe...@gmu.edu]
> Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 4:06 PM
> To: Dspace Tech
> Subject: [Dspace-tech] messages.xml changes not being reflected
> I am working on a new theme for our instance of DSpace 1.5.2, and
> editing the files directly in the test installation's [dspace]/
> webapps/
> xmlui/ directory, which is where Tomcat is pointed to load  localhost:
> 8080/xmlui from. This avoids having to constantly update the dspace
> webapps with ant.
> My changes to the .css files within the /themes/[customtheme]/lib
> directory are reflected on a reload of the page, which is great.
> However, if I edit the messages.xml file in /xmlui/i18n/, these
> changes are not reflected on a reload, nor are they reflected after I
> restart Tomcat.
> Am I missing something obvious?
> Thanks!
> Shane
> --
> Shane Beers
> Digital Repository Services Librarian
> George Mason University
> sbe...@gmu.edu
> http://mars.gmu.edu
> 703-993-3742
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