I would like to see a better webgui through which you configure everything, so don't have to tweak config files and hack apache to define users. The web gui should be designed in such a way that it gives a unified interface for all actions (admin and user functions). It should give you the option to define, import or refer to users through external user databases (ldap, mysql...)

This is properly not a unique wish but this would be my 2c ;)


Steve wrote:
Hello all

I would like to get some feedback from as many people as possible so I am 
asking here:

You as DSPAM user or as DSPAM admin: If you would have the chance to change or 
add anything to DSPAM, what would that be?

Or if you are not a DSPAM user jet and using something else: Why don't you use 
DSPAM? Why do you use something else? What function / feature would motivate 
you to switch to DSPAM?

And finally something else: Do you all know that DSPAM has a feature request page at 
SourceForge? -> https://sourceforge.net/tracker2/?group_id=250683&atid=1126468

If you had in the past something you wanted to be included or built into DSPAM 
then now is the right time to request that. Now that the community is starting 
to take over DSPAM development it is the best time to bring in your request.

// Steve


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