At 09:33 PM 5/17/2009, you wrote:
>We've had the discussion many times before.
>Last year at Dayton, everyone was having to source route to the 
>local repeater to talk. No one was able to have a conversation 
>because people kept barging in because they could not hear the 
>activity on the local repeater.

I've experienced this as well.

>That's something that just WILL NOT HAPPEN, no way, no how, with 
>callsign routing. There have been three or four way conversations 
>with people from different states and different countries. That CAN 
>NOT HAPPEN with callsign routing.

That's one of the issues I've had with callsign routing.  I do use 
it, but in its proper place.

>If I am having a conversation on a repeater with someone local and 
>someone source routes in, they don't know an existing QSO is on the 
>repeater, even if the wait 15 minutes. The only way that they can 
>find out is if they keep transmitting and watching their display and 
>eventually see the error code come back. For me to tell them that 
>the repeater Is busy, I've got to program my radio as I'm driving 70 
>mph down the road. And then make a call, and then change the 
>programming on my radio. A process that usually takes a couple of minutes.

Murphy's law says you'll squeeze in between the overs of those who 
are using the remote gateway.  I've seen this sort of freaky timing 
in IRLP and Echolink, and I have seen it in D-STAR as well.  Of 
course, you will get no busy indication if this happens. ;)

>As one of the managers of one of the largest nets, I have a direct 
>and constant exposure to the issues and while repeaters do sometime 
>drop off, the occurrence has dropped dramatically. We have MANY nets 
>in which we don't have repeaters drop off the air. And then 
>periodically we have one during which there is obvious network 
>congestion and we lose a couple of repeaters during the net, but 
>they reconnect and life goes on.

I must start dropping in on your net again, now that hurricane season 
is just around the corner. :)

73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL

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