On Jun 1, 2010, at 11:17 PM, n9aa wrote:

> I'm going to assume that by engaging in all of this mental masturbation and 
> ignoring the original poster's question, you're all trying to make sure he 
> loses all interest in D-Star, correct?

Sure, go ahead.  You have the answer?  Losing all interest in D-STAR over 
discussion of a question he brought up probably isn't going to happen. 

The whole point of what you call "mental masturbation" (great attitude there, 
you know there are young hams who read this stuff) is actually thought and 
conversation.  You know, bouncing ideas off of others to get to the bottom of 
something.  It is a discussion list, after-all.

The guy asked if you could run D-STAR Gateways on wimpy computers.  The answer 
is yes, but not well.  The simple answer was right there in the manual.  Run 
the manufacturer's recommended system or higher performance. 

The discussion is related to how to figure out how to do it if one's really in 
dire need of doing so.  That said, the vast majority of us don't need such 
under-powered hardware wasting our time, but we're pointing the direction to 
figure it out.  Lots of tools, no time to screw with it.  Teach a man to fish...

Let me repeat: iostat, netstat, sar, top, nice, etc. All commands where anyone 
with the time and patience to do so, can completely profile the applications 
running on a D-STAR gateway.  Most of those have been around for about 20 years 
on Unix-like operating systems, and are well-documented.  The "art" of system 
profiling and tweaking isn't quite so well documented, but it's out there in 
mailing lists like this one.  Discussed and debated by hundreds of Unix admins 
for years until some best practices have been defined, but not really written 
down in too many places for Unix, and even less for Linux.

> The fellow asked a simple question, let's try for once to give him a simple 
> answer. It's very unfortunate that these threads always seem to degenerate 
> into some kind of p*ssing contest between the same two or three fellows. 

And the simple answer is, "Buy a fast machine that meets the manufacturer's 
recommendation and then some.  They're cheap."

The assumption here was that someone who's asking "can I run D-STAR on a 
machine below the manufacturer-recommended specifications" has already chosen 
the harder path, and by asking the question, shows that they have.  They want 
information on how to do it differently.  We're just providing the information 
on how to go about figuring out something the manufacturer said wasn't the way 
to go.  Just like ham radio has always been.

Please feel free to follow your own advice and discuss the topic, as it is a 
discussion list after all.  We're all here of our own free will, for 
discussion.  Your comment is pretty silly considering you didn't answer the 
question either.  Feel free.

It's just an internet discussion list about a hobby.  No pissing match, even if 
there were one on this topic, would mean a hill of beans in the real world.  
But there was no pissing match here. 

Let's hear your thoughts on the topic.  Give us the answer.  I like your style, 
boss.  You have answers.  Fire 'em up.  Send 'em to the list.

Nate Duehr, WY0X

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