On 16.01.19 12:34, lc wrote:
Good morning,

I'm facing two types of issues:

1) On DuMux 2.12, trying to run any test which calls set_singular_limit results in the following error.

/home/lorenzo/DUMUX/dumux/dumux/material/constraintsolvers/compositionfromfugacities.hh:110:59: error: ‘set_singular_limit’ is not a member of ‘Dune::FMatrixPrecision<double>’

Hi Lorenzo,

which Dune version are you using? DuMux 2.12 is only compatible with the 2.6 release not master.

On DuMux 3.0.0 such an issue has been solved, as I see.

Could you please point me to some solution for 2.12?

2) I will need to run in parallel. I'm running some tests, such as test_3p3cni_kuevette_box but what I always get is that as far as I use more than 2 processors the wall time is greater than the sequential (non parallel) simulation, but such time cannot be addressed only to communications. Is it normal? I read in the mailing list archive that such behaviour was observed in the first releases on DuMux. What about it for 2.12 and 3.0?

I assume you follow the instructions in the DuMux handbook (3.0) and the parallel section. Do you have more than 2 cores? If yes can you post some time measurements over the number of cores that we can look at? The kuvette test has only 120 cells, that's too small of a grid to run it efficiently on many cores. Did you try the same with more cells? Does anything change?


Kind regards,


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