Are you sure that dunecontrol finds MPI? Can you post the output of dunecontrol?


On 01/30/2019 12:46 PM, lc wrote:

Good morning,

I updated the virtual machine as you may see from the lscpu_new file attached.

Then, I try to run both sequential 2p test_impesadaptive and 2p implicit test_box2p (input file attached) with 1 4 and 8 cores straight from the Dumux 2.12 test suite without any other modification (just the grid in the input file).

I still get the same behaviour:

1 core -> 302 s

4 cores -> 337 s (output attached)

8 cores -> 470 s

It seems that as you noted, these processes do not communicate each other. Do you agree?

These testcases, should be fully parallel, so what's wrong?

Thank you,

P.S. I also have other pending questions ...

Kind regards,


On 24.01.2019 14:42, Flemisch, Bernd wrote:

Timo is of course right. Nevertheless, your parallel output shows that the program isn't executed in a distributed way. It simply executes the full sequential code on four processes that don't communicate with each other. The four processes occupy two physical cores resulting in a degradation in performance. The sequential (in the sense of temporal discretization and coupling) 2p2c model is not parallel. The fully implicit ones are parallel, also the sequential 2p model is parallel. Let us know if you experience the same problems with a truly parallel model. If you do so, please consider Timo's comment that you choose a number of processes that is less or equal than the number of physical cores on your machine.

Kind regards



Bernd Flemisch                         phone: +49 711 685 69162
IWS, Universität Stuttgart             fax:   +49 711 685 60430
Pfaffenwaldring 61            email:
D-70569 Stuttgart            url:
*Von:* Dumux <> im Auftrag von Timo Koch <>
*Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2019 11:01:56
*An:* DuMuX User Forum; lc
*Betreff:* Re: [DuMuX] set_singular_limit and parallel execution

Hi Lorenzo,

you can't scale well to 4 cores because your CPU only has two cores. The two additional ones are only hyperthreads. Please repeat the same numerical experiment on a machine with more cores.


On 24.01.19 10:37, lc wrote:

On 18.01.2019 21:52, Flemisch, Bernd wrote:
Can you please post the complete output for the run with 4 cores? Plus the initial vtk files? And, pretty please with sugar on top, the number of physical cores on your machine?

Good morning,

I enclose the requested files for the sequential (1 processor) and parallel (4 processors) simulations plus some detail on my machine.

Thanks for help,


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Timo Koch                              phone: +49 711 685 64676
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Pfaffenwaldring 61
D-70569 Stuttgart  


Bernd Flemisch                         phone: +49 711 685 69162
IWS, Universität Stuttgart             fax:   +49 711 685 60430
Pfaffenwaldring 61            email:
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