On 16.07.19 12:13, lc wrote:


Maybe this helps to understand what I’m talking about. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimal_working_example In particular, “The important feature of a minimal working example is that it is as small and as simple as possible, such that it is just sufficient to demonstrate the problem, but without any additional complexity or dependencies which will make resolution harder.”

Thank you for the link, quite instructive!

I do believe that I put all the minimal necessary information to reproduce the behaviour.


you send all the information to reproduce a rather complex simulation setup. Not a minimal working example. Which features are necessary really to reproduce the problem?

Do you really need custom spline material law implementations? Does the same problem occur with the default Brooks-Corey Law? If no, maybe the mistake is in the law. Are you sure the laws are identical to the ones used in Comsol? Maybe there is some regularization which changes the boundary behaviour. To eliminate that please use a Dumux law instead of a custom law and see if the behaviour can be reproduced. The goal is to single out every possible source of error to see only the effect of a possible bug. I think your implementation is still too complicated to do that.

If I understand correctly the erroneous behaviour should be visible in an extremely simple 1d example as well. If not we can build from there.
I'm not sure that in 1d would be visible.

Why not? What makes this a 2D effect? This is not clear from your description. The solution plots look very one-dimensional.

Please understand that we are happy to help but we don’t have the time and capacity to debug through large code examples with many possible sources of errors.

Thank you, I appreciate.

Kind regards,


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