Dear Christoph,

Thanks a lot for your reply and advice. I am actually learning C++ these days. I was just setting up the new module to check that everything was OK according to the instructions on the DuMuX website and handbook but I was worried when i couldn't build it and got that error. You are absolutely right and I know I cannot work right away. I am currently reading the dumux handbook and whatever documentation available besides learning C++ and yes surely it will take some practice to understand how things work in DuMuX.

Could you guide me on how to remove those optional dune modules at least dune-functions and dune-pdelab for now since they are the ones with problems ? Also I am wondering if there is any recommended IDE for DuMuX and how the debugging is done?

Also if you have any advice regarding this error with that new module, I'd really appreciate it. I just want to get everything set up so that when I'm ready to work, I don't get surprised with such issue. Thanks again for your consideration and fast response.

Best Regards,

Mahmoud Atef
DuMux mailing list

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