
On 04/23/11 06:35, David Timms wrote:
> Hi, On Fedora 15 Gnome shell 3 is installed by default.
> They have done the "dumbing down" process, and this means that 
> application windows show only an X at top right corner; the other 
> minimized / maximize icons, and the top-left window menu are not shown.
> This introduces a problem with dvbcut with respect to the Export log 
> window. With the gnome change, it hides the:
> - left window menu icon
> - log title text
> - the X close icon (top-right).

I guess it shouldn't do that, then.

> As it stands, when the export completes, the lower right cancel button 
> changes from enabled to disabled, and there is no visible way to exit 
> the dialog, including clicking the main window X (which this dialog 
> seems to be a modal child of).

The obvious solution is to leave the button enabled and change its
function from "cancel" to "close" as soon as the export is finished.

> (The other effect of the "dumbing down" is that the dialog appears at 
> top centre of the main window, immediately below the main window title 
> bar. Which is OK, but you can't move it sideways to see what is hidden 
> by the dialog (doesn't really matter to me.))

That appears to be a bug in Gnome, though. A window manager that doesn't
allow users do move windows isn't worth its money. Oops, I forgot, it's
Open Source and nobody paid for it anyway.

> If you only left click the bar, and then drag, then the dialog stays 
> attached to the main window and both the main window and the dialog move 
> as one.

Probably because dragging is used to switch workplaces, and you can't
move individual windows to another workplace.

> A proposed resolution for this would be to either:
> - add a separate Close button to the right of the Cancel button.
>      This would be disabled until the export completes, and would become 
> enabled as the cancel becomes disabled.

That would be even easier from the programming point of view, but
somehow I don't like the idea of having two buttons.

> - modify the cancel button to change it's text from cancel to close when 
> export completes, and instead activate the close handler. This could 
> also have a facecolour change from say yellow to green, perhaps ?

Why not give `cancel' a red background and change it back to normal when
the export is finished? I don't want to overdo the color thing. Besides
that, some people can't distinguish particular colors. Yellow and green
might look like similar shades of gray to them.

Michael "Tired" Riepe <mich...@mr511.de>
X-Tired: Each morning I get up I die a little

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