Very true Rag great Ham Spirit at its best. When Frank contacted me I had no hesitation in commedning his effort to the GM DX Group as we had previously sponsored Frank's expedition and the original one by VU2RBI.... I had been hoping to make this trip also but family commitment got in the way.
I will send Frank a small personal donation also.....

cu at FHN

Tom - GM4FDM

LA5HE Ragnar Otterstad wrote:
Therefore Doug, N6TQS, immediately decided to donate his SIGMA5 antenna and
I dropped of my own
Elecraft K2/100 with seperate KAT100 antennatuner, a power supply and a Heil
The station has been set up by me on april 04 and they are now qrv from
10-20 m (SIGMA5) and on 40 m
with a dipole.
(Unfortunately the noise level at the College is extremely high and I
recommended to look for a better place/building
and two other, male, lecturers has been trained for this).

I am very thankful that at least the EUDXF and GM DX Group reacted within
hours on my urgent request
(other big foundations obviously has been not interested in the support of
permanent VU4 Hams) to help in this matter
so that I can hope for some refund in this case (because I already donated
another K2, small amplifier and ps during the
hamfest to a mainland VU ham who will now have the chance to go ahead with
Indian IOTA AS-New).


This is hamspirit at it's best !

Very commendable, Frank.


Rag LA5HE                ( member of EUDXF)

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