On Jun 29, 2006, at 6:56 PM, Gary McClellan wrote:

Just like the feds are funding ops from the GI's operating from
Iraq and Afghanistan?  Uncle Sam pisses away millions of more bux
than this little op they guys managed to get landing permission for
while doing contract work.  This is one of the few times I can say
my tax dollars did some freakin' good for me for a change.  Cripes.
Egos be damned.

Egos? Iraq and Afghanistan. Huh?

I'm just trying to sort this out ... from what I've read, two guys who are government contractors weasel a free trip (on Uncle Sam) to a place where they probably shouldn't be - at least not for ham radio operating, all in the name of "government work". About the time their little operation gets rolling, somebody in West Virginia rats them out.

Meanwhile, the response of many of the leading DXers in the US seems to be to "get even" with the guy who ratted the operation out with somewhat less concern for condemning the ill-advised nature of the operation and how this might endanger future DXpeditions.

Have I summed it up correctly or am I missing something?

Jeff, KE9V

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