I usually "pull" all contents from the QSL mail upon arrival and write all info on the back of the sender's envelope..... including "Call(s) requested", enclosures removed (such as 2 irc's or $5 or $1.17 postage, etc) and any special request info. Then I file everything in appropriate batches for future processing. I will always try to sell IRC's.... I am dreading the Dec31, 2006 IRC's that come in towards the end of December since I will have to "train" the local postal clerk on how to exchange them for postage. Looks like many active QSL managers know where they will be on New Year's Eve this year!!!!!!!! hihihihi
Any requests including any of these 2006 IRC's that arrive here in late December or later will have to be answered via the bureau......
Bob N2OO
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Ron Notarius W3WN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Bob's post on about-to-expire IRC's just got me thinking...
> How do QSL managers handle incoming IRC's & GS's?
> In other words, when I send a manager an envelope containing a request, is it
> opened right away and any cash or IRC's removed (and duly noted, of course), or
> are the $$ etc. left in place until the actual processing of the requested QSL
> card?
> I know this may sound like a "dumb" question -- and yes, I know every manager
> has their own way of doing things, so YMMV & VWPBL(STn) -- but the upcoming
> expiration date on the 1st Generation "New" IRC's makes me wonder. I don't want
> to put Bob (or another QSL manager) to the trouble and bother of selling &
> se nding me IRC's if, by the time the receiving QSL Manager gets his hands on
> them to exchange for postage, they will have already expired.
> OTOH, it beats arguing with the local bank branch about needing more than 1 or 2
> $2 bills at a time... or at least crisp $1 bills... especially when sending to a
> manager that wants 2 IRC's or US$3 for postage due to currency exchange
> fluctuations... (you wouldn't believe how many teller lectures I've gotten over
> the years on the dangers of sending cash through the mail. *sigh*)
> Thoughts?
> 73, ron w3wn
> Date: 2006/10/06 Fri AM 10:00:15 CDT
> To: dx-news@njdxa.org
> Subject: [DX-NEWS] IRC's For Sale
> N2OO has a limited number IRCs for sale. All are large-sized IRCs which expire
> Dec 31, 2006. $1.05 eac h. Minimum quantity: 10.
> IRCs will be sent postpaid USA (regular mail). PayPal accepted. Contact Bob N2OO
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] for more information.
> 73! Bob N2OO
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