Amen, Charlie! It cost me about $6000 each for my two mini-DXpeditions to VO2. 
ANY financial relief is welcome. I get frosted when ops send QSL requests 
without some means to return a card (postage or GS or IRC, SASE, or even just a 
self-addressed envelope). About 25% of stateside ops QSL with nothing other 
than their cards. These get QSL responses via the bureau. And, I am very, very 
slow with buro QSLs (3 to 6 months). Virtually all DX stations send requests 
with IRCs or GSs with SA envelopes. Most stateside ops who send a 
self-addressed envelope also include a stamp, so I'll process these normally. 
But I sincerely appreciate those stateside ops who also include a GS (about 10% 
do so) and will respond with a short personal note.

I should tighten my QSLing standards for my next VO2 Zone 2 trip (planned for 
2008 or 2009) like I threatened on my VO2 webpages, but I usually cave and QSL 
100% eventually, even if it's only via the buro. Soft brain at work.

73 de Fred K2FRD, VO2FS

At 3:39 PM +0000 29/11/06, Charlie, W0YG wrote:
>You are right on!  A lot of guys, myself included, when we return from a 
>DXpedition, like I just have from VK9CGG where costs are not trivial (no place 
>are the costs trivial), mine the incoming QSLs to try to make that sustain 
>itself.  What does this mean?  It means in my case I open all the envelopes to 
>see if there is money inside or an IRC inside.  If there is, I remove the 
>money or IRC, sell the IRC and buy stamps with both the money and IRC.  I mark 
>on the outside of the envelope how much was inside.
>I then QSL those that have supported the operation first, setting aside SASE 
>envelopes for last.  It takes about 2-3 months for the mail load to lighten up 
>so that I can get to those SASEs.  In the end, everyone who sent for a card 
>gets his/her card, no problems.  It makes sense to do it this way for me.
>The bottom line is if YOU have a vested interest in a DXpedition, then your 
>input is more than likely appreciated.  If you don't, well go figure!
>Let the flames begin!!!!
>Charlie, W0YG, VK9CGG, VK9CG, VK9XG, VK9XX, VK9YY, ZS6YG, Z21/W0YG, Z2/W0YG, 
>A22/W0YG, A25/W0YG, V5/ZS6YG and a few others..>>

73 de Fred Stevens K2FRD, VO2FS
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