I'm with you, Charles. Even though I'm a techie geek, LOTW and eQSL are just 
two more applications to complicate my already complicated life. I like the 
look and feel of real cardboard QSL cards, old radios if I have storage space 
for them (just picked up a RT-524 based VRC-12, 1960s vintage Army mobile VHF 
FM which happens to have 6m capability - the seller needed rent money and 
offered it to me at a price I couldn't refuse), turning the VFO for DX, and 
running my own one-man mini-DXpeditions to VO2 land.

Still, IRCs are a lot easier to obtain and exchange for postage than foreign 
postage stamps. And woe to the op who sends QSL requests without IRC, GS, or 
especially a SA envelope; he's gonna wait a long time for a response via the 
Buro. I hate hand addressing envelopes. I'd rather have a root canal. Or go 
shopping or do laundry.

73 de Fred K2FRD, VO2FS

At 2:45 AM +0000 29/11/06, Charles Harpole wrote:
>I found out from answering VU4AN/VU3CHE card requests that the easiest and 
>fastest reply went to the one USA guy who had Thailand postage on his 
>self-addressed envelop.  Also, to the several Japanese who used their version 
>of international reply ENVELOP.
>Those were just so nice and easy to drop into the post box on the corner here 
>in Bangkok on my way out to work.
>Of course, all the other direct cards were taken care of, but I was surprised 
>at myself at the joyful temptation to take care of the one with the Thai stamp 
>so easily.  I am sure this would not affect  the big DXpeditions with lots of 
>QSL helpers, but my wife and I were chugging away ourselves.
>BTW, maybe if u are really hot to get a card, a local postage affixed is much 
>more effective than (1) sending multiple cards for the same contact or (2) 
>emailing the DX asking for a special search and reply.
>I love old-fashioned things.... CW, tube radios, listening for DX, paper QSLs 
>that arrive with beautiful stamps, rag chewing, tiny DXpeditions running 50 
>watts to a dipole, and the other things that retain the mystery of ham radio.
>Good DX to all......   73
>Charles Harpole

73 de Fred Stevens K2FRD, VO2FS
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