Thanks to everyone for their input. I've been in this game almost fifty years and this was a new problem. I should have stated that I in fact did QSL direct but after several months I've received nothing. I enclosed a GS plus an SASE figuring that working mainland stations can be a pain for KH6/KL7 so I'd give him an incentive to reply but I've gotten nothing. Maybe in the due course of QSLs I'll get it.
   Well, it's not as if it's BS7 or 7O.
   Thanks, everyone, and have a DX-filled New Year!

                                                    Mike  W2LO

If u worked KH6ZM who has been active on 160M, Massimo he has I0MWI for a manager as he states. If you continue to read all of the info available he also has at the bottom of the page: QSL directley to my manager I0MWI. US/Canada stations may send direct to me. Bureau cards will be answerd as time permits. e-qsl's. Bio last modified: 2005-01-20

All this said, this thread might have never happened ;-) Joe Friday might say "Just the Facts Ma'am'"
Happy New Year!.. 73/DX    Ron (-:

Mike W2LO wrote:

I recently worked a KH6 on 160 who, on his website, requests that QSLs go via his European manager. Now considering that he lives in the same country that I do it seems a bit much to request that I use an 84 cent airmail stamp and a GS or two or an IRC to get his card back. I realize that I should simply work another one but has anyone else encountered this issue?

                                              Mike  W2LO

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