Great quote Dave.  This is only a hobby.  I am not going to die if I don't 
work BS7H (and the likelihood of it at this point looks prety slim - 
they're supposed to be on 14024 now and I don't hear a peep).

When the weak signals, kilocycle cops and tuner-uppers get to me, I 
usually just shut off the rig and do something else.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sun, 29 Apr 2007, Dave AA6YQ wrote:

> In "the Complete DXer", Bob W9KNI says "But sometimes, the experienced DX'er
> gets into a situation where it quickly becomes obvious that there is no hope
> of a QSO. And it is then the frustrated DX'er shows the world, or at least
> himself, what kind of person he is. Does he QSY, or does he cause needless
> or even intentional QRM?" Does he update the propagation forecasts and check
> the NCDXF beacons, or does he steam up the hill with beady eyes blazing in
> search of anyone who'll listen to his latest rendition of "ain't it awful?".
> DX is.
>    73,
>        Dave, AA6YQ

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