Operating Procedures - Exactly correct Jerry !!   I didn't think
there was anyone around besides me that could remember that
one !!     At least one !!     OK - Enuf Said Here,   73,  Larry
From: "J. Allen Call" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [DX-CHAT] BS7H

Whatever happened to good old operating procedures.  You cannot work the
guy if you are talking at the same time.
You need to listen and learn what his operating procedures are. I have
worked many DX stations with 100 watts and
a dipole.  I have heard many a station contact the DX station and give
them a 59 and then turn around and ask them
to repeat his call sign, or what was my signal report, etc.  I have spent
many hours in trying to work the elusive DX
and patience and perseverance have paid off.  I have worked them all. 
Don't have a 5 el or the best XCVR made
or used DX cluster spots.  It's all about timing.


A good lesson for all you guys that depend on the following to get you a
new one:

DX Cluster Spots, The Best XCVR Made, A 5 Element Yagi Up 90',
and a Linear Amp

This One Requires:

A Knowledge of Propagation
Lady Luck

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