Honest answer?  I don't care what you think.  I help Pete out setting up his 
house and station, he's helped me with mine, and will be here when my antennas 
go up next month.  It's called friendship.

Frankly, I'm NOT a serious DXer - I have 6-7 all time new ones sitting here - 
haven't bothered send a card.  It's only paper

Yeah - it's nicer when you work them from home - but living in NYC, short (and 
low) wires is what you live with unless you get lucky - after 3 years, I 
figured out how to fit a small beam - or you join a club.  Question for you - 
how is a club different than a friends place?

Brag about it working BS7?  Nope - Brag about having good enough friends that 
will let me use their station?  Yep.

On 5/6/2007 W2AGN wrote:

> BTW, I happen to know that a few QRPers DID work BS7H. Now THEY can brag about
> operating procedures. The guy that has to go to someone else's rig to run a 
> KW+
> has no bragginmg rights, IMHO.

73 de KG2V

For the Children - RKBA!

Boycott shampoo!!! Demand REAL poo!

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