quote W9SZ: "I never could get up the nerve to go out there at night unless 
there were others out 
there.  "
  <cue theme tune from the X Files or a suitably creepy movie> .....
  It looks like a good QTH.  No neighbours!
  I heard fried rat was a delicacy in certain parts of the world.  I'm sure I 
must have eaten it at dodgy curry houses in London!  In fact there was a place 
in Leeds that got taken to court recently for serving boiled seagulls as 
chicken curry.....
  Dave G0OIL

Zack Widup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Our local contest club K9CU had a QTH for a few years we called "Area 
51D". We don't have it anymore. It was a rat-infested building out in 
the middle of nowhere that belonged to the University of Illinois. It had 
power but no water or heat. We did have a tribander up over 100 feet and 
a couple dipoles for 40 and 80 up that high. But there were no rigs left 
at the station. If you wanted to operate you were free to come out with 
your own rig and put up with the rats.

The antenna performed very well and I live about 5 minutes from the site. 
I used to go out in the daytime once in a while to see what I could work. 
I think I worked one of Baldur's operations from there. I never could get 
up the nerve to go out there at night unless there were others out there. 

There are a few photos of it at http://www.qsl.net/k9cu

73, Zack W9SZ

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