Fellow DXers.... Prior to the latest BS7H op, I had not given the Rocks any attention and had only a vague notion of what is there. But today I read the web sites, saw the photos, and listened to James' super interview while on site. I come away of two minds... one with great appreciation and awe at the accomplishment and second with a deeper understanding of how truly dangerous this op was.

Of course, I congratulate all who make this happen and especially to men who were willing genuinely to risk their lives to do the op. Let nothing take away from that.

However, I have to ask if this set of rocks is worth the risks? I know mountain climbers die in their efforts and there are many other very dangerous "sport" activities, but should we as a hobby sanction placing our fellow hams into a place where the slightest bad weather, lightning strike, or just a nasty fall would have been an easy-to-happen disaster. How would we feel as hams if the worst had happened there? How much should we depend on LUCK? I think anyone can go where ever they please, but not with the sanction and official stamp of our great avocation.

Maybe it is time to re-think the DXCC status of this place?

Charles Harpole

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