This throws a lot of whining into sharp perspective.

They didn't work the U.S. enough?  We're second only to JA.

Totally impenetrable JA wall?  JA was only 900 hams ahead of the U.S.
total.  Granted they had 3x the QSO's but who around here had a real
shot on, say, 40m.

BS7H impossible from the east coast?  Zone 3 only had 600 more QSO's
than zone 4 and zone 5, which were equal.

21kqso to Asia, 16kqso to EU, 7kqso to NA... sounds like they did a
good job working the propagation...

Lots of selfish hams stealing away the chance for people to get a QSO
from BS7H by working them over and over again?  I don't think so.

2.5 times  as many people got only one QSO as who managed to get two.
2 times as many people managed to get 2 QSO's as got 3.  This includes
*all* regions.

Whoever got 24... wow.


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