Oh, please.

Sorry Charles, but I disagree.  This is political correctness run amuck.

I am not a Christian, but I do not take offense when someone wishes me
"Merry Christmas" or equivalent at this time of year, as I understand the
sentiment behind the comment.

Too many are quick to take offense, high offense at that, at perceived
slights that are nothing of the kind.

Keep this up, and you'll end up like the some PR types in the City of
Pittsburgh, which tried to retitle this time of year "Sparkle Season" a few
years  back.  And ended up insulting everybody in the process, even the

We should not need a lawyer to advise us on how to risk avoiding offending
someone in even the slightest way, when our intention is to wish someone the
best of times at this time of year.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Charles Harpole
  Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 5:20 PM
  To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
  Subject: [DX-CHAT] 'tis the season

  To Western hams, mostly....  Please remember it is most polite to offer a
"seasons greetings" or "happy holidays" to those not of the Christian faiths
(instead of "Merry Christmas" for example).  Receivers of the mis-directed
"merry christmases"--most will forgive the senders' misplaced earnestness
but the implied arrogance and cultural insensitivity still remains to taint
in a small way an otherwise happy season.
  Thanks for your understanding of individual differences.

  And, no "happy fourth of July" to a Brit, pse.   73,

  Charles Harpole

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