More ....  I think with adoption of my last suggestion, i.e. an override
for "alert if not confirmed", level 2 would become superfluous.
However, you need a level 2 to cover something better than "new band" or
"new mode".  That would be "New Band AND New Mode".  This is not the
same as "new band/mode combination".  

To clarify:  Suppose I have worked Fredonia on 20m SSB and 15 CW.  A
spot for 15 SSB would be a "new band/mode combination", but in fact it
doesn't add either a new band or a new mode, since I've already worked
(or confirmed) both 15 and SSB.  However, a spot for 40 RTTY adds BOTH a
new band (40) AND a new mode (RTTY) which is much better than alert
level 3, 4 or below.

Although one needs to number the alerts, I think we'd all agree that
there is no practical difference in the "urgency of alert" between Level
3 and Level 4.  Those who prefer to collect new modes can view 4 as more
urgent than 3, and color code it as they desire.  If my suggestion for
user-selectable wave files is adopted by Paul, those who prefer to
collect new modes can give that audible alert a more urgent sound.  

It is, however clear, in any scheme, that 1 is superior to 2 (as I've
defined it), and 2 is superior to both 3 and 4 (since it is, in effect,
a way to achieve 3 and 4 in a single QSO) and so on.


73, Brian W3BW

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Paul van der Eijk
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 12:52
Subject: [Dx4win] Packet spotting colors etc


I have reviewed many suggestions to change / improve the color scheme
for the spotting window. Some of these suggestions are in conflict with
other, some come from the novice DXers others from honor roll members
So I hope that the following proposal makes sense, and covers most of 
your needs. 

To support this, I have added 2 more categories, a column in the
spotting window
indicating the priority (1..8) and the ability to change the font color
and the
background color.

If you have any comments, thoughts etc. please reply to the reflector
only, and
on this topic only. There were plenty of other proposals for new
features (for
which I keep a separate email folder), but this is now my highest


All the following categories take the station
band / mode settings and the award settings
for bands and modes into account. Also, when you
only allow for spots from certain countries and/or zones
that filter will be applied as well.

(Substitute country by Zone or by WPX prefix for the
 other color schemes available)

Modes refers to major modes only (Phone, CW and RTTY)

1  New country or callsign alert
   Callsign alert is not limited by station or award band/mode
   or spotter country/zone

2  Country not confirmed
   (The same callsign and band/mode combination is category 8)

3  New band
   Never worked this country on this band

4  New mode
   Never worked this country using this mode

5  New band/mode combination
   Never worked this country using this band/mode combination

6  Worked one or more stations using this band/mode
   combination but none of these contacts have been confirmed.
   (The same callsign and band/mode combination is category 8)

7  Did not work this callsign in this band/mode combination

8  The rest
   A. Worked this callsign in this band/mode combination
   B. The band/mode combination is not enabled in station
      preferences or for the award
   C. The spot came from a region (country or zone) that
      was not enabled.

Paul van der Eijk (KK4HD)

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