A couple of clarifications:

1. DX4WIN only credits if you request that credit to happen by turning on
or off the valid bands to match (or separate award).  So, if you submit
your first DXCC MIXED, with 105 cards, those QSO's will be credited in
DX4WIN *only* for Mixed.  Not for Mode or Band, which the ARRL will
automatically credit you for towards those awards.  This is what I'm
attempting to describe.  

2. Taking cards to hamfests places a limit of something like120 cards for
your submission.  This causes one to start eliminating categories to trim
the list.  So, let's say I want to trim my list by not submitting for the
40m band category, and I turn that off in DX4WIN.  The logic will cause
any submissions that were purely for 40m band to be eliminated.  However,
a new mode QSL that happens to be on 40m will be submitted, and the ARRL
will credit it for both mode and 40m band credit.  However, DX4WIN will
not credit it for 40m.  Giving credit vs. what you are submitting for are
two different concepts, and that is where DX4WIN errs.  This is the kind
of thing I'm describing.

3. Agreed, ARRL will not give you an award for anything with less than
100 countries, however, that QSO is credited toward the award whether you
have applied for it or not (re: the example above).

4. And, yes, the ARRL has not always taken this approach, however they
have consistently since I've been submitting cards, which started in 1990
or '91.  So, for old timers, they still need to do that initial

Sorry to belabor this, but I hope it clears up what I'm trying to say. 
The last time I spoke to him about it, Paul agreed it did not work as the
ARRL describes they do the crediting, but was adamant he was not going
change it because of  how he reads the rules.  I like the program in
almost all other respects, but this part always causes me more grief than
I like!

        73,  Duane

On Fri, 4 Oct 2002 00:32:39 -0500 "Wendell Wyly W5FL" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> That is true now, but I just sent ARRL over $100 with my submittal 
> last
> week, which included re-submitting many many cards that had been 
> previously
> submitted and ARRL did not record the band until several years ago.  
> does not accept less than 100 cards with the first submittal.  I 
> believe
> they have dropped the minimum cards that have to be submitted.
> DX4WIN also credits you for MIXED, BAND, and MODE for any card that 
> you
> submit IF you have the DXCC preferences set up correctly.  I do not 
> know
> what you would want the author to fix.  The program won't submit 
> cards
> automatically (like my 30 meter cards) where I only have 91 
> confirmed until
> I get 100 or more.
> If you don't tell ARRL which qso's to credit, you will be charged 
> for each
> and every qso on the cards you submit, whether you have already paid 
> for
> them previously.
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Duane A Calvin
> Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 11:51 PM
> To: dx4win@mailman.qth.net
> Subject: Re: [Dx4win] DXCC Award Submission problem
> Unfortunately, in 5.03 the authors have not yet fixed that problem.  
> I
> got confirmation from the DXCC desk twice (Bill Kennamer, and Bill 
> Moore)
> about how the counts are done (and have been for the past 10 years), 
> but
> the last time we discussed it, the authors' interpretation of the 
> rules did not match what the ARRL says they practice.  Hopefully 
> that
> will change in the next version.  In short, if you submit a QSL to 
> the
> ARRL for credit, you will be credited for  the MIXED, BAND, and MODE 
> for
> that QSO.  There is never a need to resubmit that QSO again.  This 
> is
> where I spend  an evening or two reconciling my DX4WIN listing 
> against

Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas

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