Fellow DX4Win users,

I'm getting ready to submit for CW and RTTY DXCC, so I printed out the 
"Submission" under DXCC-Reports in version 5.03. It seems I have 
discovered two problems (or at least problems to a DX4Win beginner like me).

First, I "F2ed" some contacts to submit for mode that were made in the 
1960s. As I later found out, you cannot use contacts made before 1975. 
This is only a very minor problem, but I'm wondering why the software 
let me do it.

The other problem I have is one I am a little more concerned about. I 
went back to the old QSOs, and then changed the "Submitted" choice under 
"mode" back to "---" and then saved and exited the program. Upon going 
back into the program and viewing the submission report, I see that 
these pre-1975 contacts are still listed in the report.

Short of manually editing with a word processor (and getting the numbers 
out of sequence), how can I "refresh" the submission report to delete 
those pre-1975 QSOs?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have,


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