Winkey is the solution.

I recently upgraded to using it here and it is great for relieving CPU usage
issues.  I can now continue to do other tasks on the computer while CW is
being sent, CPU usage doesn't even register, no hiccups or stutters.  Not
that it was a big issue here, I found that sending CW would take priority
and other operations would suffer but with Winkey everything continues as

Do a search and find out about it.

73 John ZL1BYZ.

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of OZ1AXG Flam
Sent: Thursday, 6 March 2008 10:57 a.m.
To: DX4WIN Reflector
Subject: Re: [Dx4win] CPU Usage


I have installed Dx4Win on a fresh WinXP installation, trimmed it for max
performance. Hardware is a Compaq 550MHz with 640MB RAM

Using Dx4win & transmitting CW, the CPU is around 80-90% of the time. If it
so happens that the Dx cluster receives a spot or two you can hear that the
timing of dot and dashes is messed up. Listning on the air, you can easy
hear other stations where the CW has the same "funny" timing - problerly
using Dx4Win :=)

I would suggest that this issue be looked into, and a possible solution 
worked out.

Regards OZ1AXG Flam

----- Original Message ----- >> Bernie,
>> It happens here, too. If I am transmitting RTTY when the CW spot comes,
>> it will slow down dramatically and possibly spoil the QSO. Otherwise I
>> have not noticed any ill effects.
>> 73 Erkki OH2BF

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