At 06:47 AM 2/5/2001 -0500, James M. Ray wrote:
>At 6:51 PM +1100 2/5/01, Michael Moore wrote:
> >. I seriously doubt any ad
> >> agency could come up with anything as good as "e-gold is to money
> >> what email is to letters," for example. (Thanks JP!)
> >> JMR
> >But I like James's  comment ..."e-gold is to money what email is to
> >letters."   That is
>Actually, that was JP May's line (I think). Jay Wherley came up with
>"World Wide Money," which I also like a lot -- that's on the double-
>sided e-gold stickers. Can anybody else think of a good one? What
>about 2 good ones that work for both of SR's products?

That's the slogan of Standard Reserve - "World Wide Money for the 
World Wide Web"

George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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