> > I think you guys have lost track of the whole purpose of the Turing
> > number.  It is to prevent automated trials by ensuring that a human
> > being is there.  What you are proposing amounts to an additional or
> > longer passphrase and in no way excludes automated trials any more
> > than the simple number now being used.

As Mr. Van den Berghe demonstrated, it's much more difficult to crack than a
longer passphrase. If someone catches your keystrokes, they can obtain your
passphrase, but if someone watches you respond to a 'turing query', they
won't be able to easily figure out the algorithm being used to respond to

Eric Hollander demonstrated a crypto-card once, which gave a cryptic
response to a numerical query. In order to access his website, you had to
plug in a six digit number generated by the website, and then respond with a
numerical answer generated by the crypto-card. Using a passphrase, and the
crypto-card, the security was incredibly high. You had to have the
passphrase and the crypto-card to get in.

E-Gold needs this.


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Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

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