Dear James,

James M. Ray wrote:
As you say, the e-gold type investor is frequently of the HYIP type.
I disagree. Many people who use e-gold (including investors
in such things as DBourse and other projects) eschew HYIP

True, a small percentage of e-gold users may eschew HYIP scams, but if we compare the huge size difference between e-gold and the other currencies I mentioned, it would appear that there is a much higher percentage of "serious" investors in Pecunix, Goldmoney (and 1mdc). This quote from <> seems pertinent:

"Which DGC system are people buying shares with?

At TGC, e-goldŽ is by far the most popular gold system. However, Pecunix, GoldMoney, 1mdcGrams and e-gold have been equal in popularity for funding DBourse accounts."

Serious investors probably lurk in the more serious currencies. Try Pecunix or GoldMoney.

Exactly why are they "more serious"?

Thanks for asking... Patrick touched on one point, e-gold seem to have a very lax attitude towards audits and governance, not to mention the serious rumour that they currently have no trustee, which IMO is a major concern. Of course e-gold's lack of any official comment on these major points also gives the impression that they are not really serious about their business or reputation.

Both Pecunix and GoldMoney also seem to take more seriously their right of association. They appear to actively deter scams in a (so far) more effective way than e-gold. Consequently they are not plagued by the multitude of scams and HYIP.

In my experience e-gold also appear to lack in customer service, whereas Pecunix and Goldmoney are very prompt and attentive. Size is not an excuse for lax service, rather it is a reason for better service. Any company that is not interested in looking after it's customers (revenue) can't be considered a serious contender.

Of course this is all merely my opinion, and others opinions may vary... I am sure other comments will be welcomed.



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