At 6:16 PM -0800 11/17/03, Katz Global Media wrote:
>I would tend to believe that there would be a lot of people running around
>with e-gold who would at least listen to an invesment opportunity although i
>don't know how far you will get with an offering backed by an adult site
>venture. That market is quite tough to break into without something really
>unique to offer people and a lot of cheap quality traffic, but you never do

He's offering the only kind of adult experience (get her to do some
random-thing you just thought-up) that is NOT available for free on
Usenet or elsewhere, so IMO what he's doing is the future of adult
entertainment. That said, it IS a deceptively-tough business -- just
look at the magazines like Playboy (lackluster stock performance
over the past decade) Penthouse & Screw (both went under...).

Those magazines had all of the branding advantages you could
possibly start-out with, yet *still* they lost-out in that market to the

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