Hello Fotis, all,

> thanks, this is indeed a step forward, this is a very common need. If you 
> recall, I brought this up years ago.
> Is there any way this could be somewhat more automated, fi. “all
> goolfc builds are to go on resource/gpunodes”?

This is definitely possible with the GC3Pie API (subclass Application
and overwrite `compatible_resources()`, or plug in a different scheduler

However, given that any site will need a different
configuration/treatment of this (different way of calling resources,
different assignment of toolchains to nodes, etc.) -- is it possible to
expose an interface that's simpler to use, in actual practice, than a
simple shell script driving EB?

    # `goolfc` builds require GPUs
    eb --job-target-resource gpunodes whatever-goolfc.eb

    # build each of these on the appropriate nodes
    for arch in nehalem sandybridge skylake; do
      eb --job-target-resource $arch otherbuild-intel2017a.eb

Riccardo Murri

S3IT: Services and Support for Science IT
University of Zurich

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